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HomeVocabularyTell me about yourself! | Introduce yourself in English

Tell me about yourself! | Introduce yourself in English

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Tell me about yourself! | Introduce yourself in English

-Hi, I’m Lucy! I’m twelve and have beautiful blonde hair that reaches my shoulders and the greenest eyes you’ll ever see.

-School is where I spend most of my days, learning new things and hanging out with my friends during breaks.

-I’ve got a sister who’s awesome – we have loads of fun together, and she’s my best buddy.

-My dad is an electrical engineer, and my mom is a doctor. They’re both super cool and always support me.

-Walking is something I adore; it’s my way of exploring and enjoying the world around me.

-Books are my jam! I love diving into different stories, whether they’re adventures or mysteries.

-Games with my friends are the best – we play tag, board games, and make-believe adventures together.

-I’m a proud Texan, and living here is amazing; the people, the food, and the wide-open spaces are fantastic.

-I’m quite tall for my age, but it’s cool – I feel like I can reach for the stars!

-My name is Lucy, and it’s a name that feels just right for me – simple and friendly.

-I’m at that age where I’m curious about everything – I want to learn and understand as much as I can.

-Nature walks are my escape; they help me relax and appreciate the world’s beauty.

-My dad’s work with electronics is fascinating; sometimes, I tinker with stuff, trying to understand how things work.

-Mom’s job as a doctor inspires me; she helps people, and that’s something I admire.

-When I’m not reading, I’m often lost in my imagination, dreaming up adventures of my own.

-Playing games with friends brings out the giggles and joy that make life so much fun.

-Texas is more than just a state; it’s my home, where I’ve made amazing memories.

-Being tall sometimes makes me stand out, but I like being unique.

-Lucy isn’t just a name; it’s a part of me, like a warm hug from someone you love.

-Questions pop into my head all the time, and I’m always eager to find answers.

-Exploring neighborhoods during walks is exciting; I discover new places and meet new people.

-Dad’s gadgets sometimes puzzle me, but I enjoy figuring out how they operate.

-Mom’s dedication to helping others encourages me to be kind and compassionate.

-Books whisk me away to magical lands where anything is possible.

-Tag and hide-and-seek are among our favorite games with friends – they’re full of laughter and energy.

-Texas’ rich culture and diverse communities make it an awesome place to grow up.

-Being tall lets me reach high shelves and stand out in a crowd – it’s kind of neat.

-Lucy – a name that feels like a cozy blanket on a chilly day, familiar and comforting.

-I’ve got this thirst for knowledge, and each day is a chance to learn something new.

-My imagination takes flight when playing games; it’s like creating my own mini adventures.

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